

I love Dana’s energy and her ability to be comfortable with herself and make herself vulnerable, through her dancing, which allows participants to do the same. Dana made every class fun, was clear in her instructions, and appreciated the different styles and comfort levels shared by the participants. Her playlists were well thought out and engaging. She is very passionate about moving to music and at the same time sensitive enough to meet everyone where they’re at, so they can benefit from her approach. This class has been therapeutic for me, as a form of self-expression, letting go, exercise, getting back into my body after giving birth, connecting with the energy of a group, examining my own barriers, thinking about my body image... it’s been wonderful and I’m taking the next class again!
— Antje on Groove (Bellingham, WA, USA)
I love to dance and I love to be in the beautiful outdoors. Both at once is the dream! Frolicking with friends, and new friends passing by, even for a few minutes, just makes my day as I watch the sun set over the water. True beauty.
— Aravel on Sunset Silent Disco (Bellingham, WA, USA)
This is my kind of exercise with a beautiful view of the setting sun, with music that makes you want to dance, with a fun crowd of happy folks. Puts a smile on my face and makes me laugh! Good job Dana!
— Becca on Sunset Silent Disco (Bellingham, WA, USA)
Join Dana on the dance floor, either in person or online, and you will feel a sense of freedom — freedom to move in any way that feels good, freedom to express yourself fully and freedom to be who you are. Dana is a master at creating a safe, warm and accepting environment for creativity to bloom. You will return to yourself while connecting with others through music and dance in a way you’ve probably never experienced before — or if you have experienced it before, you’ll just want more.
— Tracy (Playa La Misión, Baja California, Mexico)
If you want more joy in your life, take a dance class with Dana Carr. Dana is an expert on frolicking (her word) and her enthusiasm is contagious. Each week, I approach her Groove Dance Party class at Whatcom Community College a little tired, end of the day stuff, and leave energized, happy-happy-happy and smiling so much. I am not alone in this. Students of all ages are welcome (I am 68), you do not have to be physically fit, you dance to your own level of comfort and skill, and each week the synergy produces a marvelous experience. Dana should be cloned and then there would be that much more zest in the world. Plus she picks the best music and makes her Spotify playlists available to her students!
— Beth (Bellingham, WA, USA)
Dana’s energy and enthusiasm for dance are contagious. She models both the steps and the joy of movement that is the most important element of her classes. Within the more structured Nia classes, she encourages participants to adapt the steps in whatever ways are appropriate to their bodies on that day. Her Groove classes encourage even more experimentation and expression. During the pandemic, Groove dance time with Dana has been a high point in the week, lifting our spirits via Zoom as we lift our toes in rhythm. We look forward to sharing in the music and movement every week.
— Rob (Bellingham, WA, USA)
I just took my first Groove class this morning and it was FABULOUS! Dana is a delightful facilitator of fun, creative movement. I didn’t feel self-conscious at all because there’s almost no choreography to learn; you’re free to play and express yourself while staying connected with the group through incredibly simple movement patterns. Such a great experience and I can’t wait to do it again!
— Ashia (Bellingham, WA, USA)
I have brought 10-12 different friends with me to Dana’s Groove class and every single person has enjoyed it for different reasons and in different ways. That’s what I appreciate most about Dana’s offering — she invites everyone into a safe space to explore movement, to be themselves, and to have fun!
— Wendy (Bellingham, WA, USA)
Knowing nothing at all about Dana nor Nia Dance, I signed up for her class through WCC’s Community Education program. This was before the pandemic and I have been merrily dancing (frolicking) with this fun and fabulous movement motivator ever since! Dana’s Groove Dance class combines equally invigorating and inspiring music to creative movement in a most welcoming environment. She selects the BEST music (each time is a new experience!) which keeps the class fresh and uplifting. Dana is the queen of Good Vibrations!
— Linda (Bellingham, WA, USA)
Great music, endless and creative ways to inspire and motivate you to keep going. She truly embodies the Groove truths. Dana will shift your mood in a matter of minutes.
— Celina (San Leandro, CA, USA)
Dana is all about feeling sensational about yourself while dancing to your own beat!
— Belinda (Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Dancing with Dana Carr is a joy. In her classes, she shares uplifting and heartfelt music and leads us through dance movements to raise our bodies and spirits. I came to know of her Groove and Nia classes during a quiet and lonely time when COVID was defining 2020. Out of work and out of energy, I started dancing with Dana on Saturday mornings. This exercise quickly became a much needed habit that stirred me on the weekend and fueled me for the rest of the day. Now that I am working again and able to engage in more activities outside of the house, I am still so glad to know Dana not only as a dance partner, but as a friend. It is so wonderful that I can continue to enjoy her special spark, humor and joy for life.
— Anita (Bellingham, WA, USA)
I have been dancing with Dana for 10+ years. She is a kind and generous person who really cares about you and your well-being. Groove and Nia are amazing - they have helped me keep moving even on my busiest days. I always make time to dance with Dana.
— Rebecca (Bellingham, WA, USA)